Principal's Voice
Agrasen Saraswati Vidya Mandir has emerged as a shining star on the horizon of educational endeavor. Agrasen Saraswati Vidya Mandir strives to impart thoughtful and up-to-date quality
education with a view to equipping the students to face the challenges around the,and cope up with the fast changing and highly competitive scenario. This school focuses on all-round development
of the children . Different aspects like physical, intellectual academic and spiritual development are poured into them to enable every child to explore, learn and shoulder responsibility.
The aim behind all our co-curricular academic activities is not only enrich knowledge but to prevent environment for the young minds to take wings also I hope that staff members feel respected,
valued and supported in meeting their own professional, personal growth and that I will have been facilitator of their success.
Ashok Kumar Verma