
Admission Process

Admission Rules

Admission will be given on the basis of merit & applicant must qualify in the admission test.
* For Nursery ORAL TEST will be conducted.
* For rest all the classes WRITTEN TEST will be conducted on the basic of CBSE curriculum along with the interview.
* Parents need to accompany their Child / Children at the time of interview.

Prospectus for 2023-24 along with the admission form are available at school's office counter in the administrative wings. Students seeking admission should apply in the printer prescribed registration form. The data issuing of admission form will be displayed on the school notice board in the month of December 2019.

The following certificates must accompany with the admission form for eligibility.

Required Documents
Xerox copy of original Birth Certificate issued by Municipality / Hospital / Nursing Home
or Court affidavit for Nursery to class II.
Transfer Certificate for class III to VIII.
Two passport size photographs.
Blood Group (Lab. test report).
Blood Group (Lab. test report).
Xerox copy of Aadhar Card.

Syllabus for Admission Test

Nursery (Minimum Age 3 years)
  1. Essential Knowledge
    1. Must tell his / her name
    2. Must tell his / her parent's name
    3. Must tell his / her location of town where he / she lives
    4. Must tell his / residential address
  2. General Awareness
    1. Identification of shape
    2. Identification of things
    3. Identification of fruits & flowers
    4. Identification of weight & taste
  3. Additional Qualification
    1. Knowledge of Devnagri (Hindi Scripts)
    2. Knowledge of Roman English Alphabets
    3. Knowledge of Number
KG (Minimum Age 4 years)
  1. Hindi
    1. बरनमाला का पुर्नस्थान
    2. बिना मात्रा के शब्दों को लिखने व पढ़ने का ज्ञान
    3. अक्षरों को जोड़ने का अभ्यास | जैसे के + ल , क + म + ल
  2. English
    1. a to z small letters
    2. A to Z capital letters
    3. Any rhymes
  3. Mathematics
    1. Counting 1 to 100, 100 to 1
    2. Table from 2 - 3
    3. Write in words only 1 to 10
    4. Simple addition
Class I (Minimum Age 5 years)
  1. Hindi
    1. मात्राओं का पुर्नस्थान
    2. बार्नो को जोड़ कर शब्द बनाने का ज्ञान
    3. श्रुतिलेख एबं सुलेख का ज्ञान
    4. कोई एक कविता बोलने का अभ्यास
  2. Mathematics
    1. Counting 1 to 100 (in words)
    2. Table from 2 - 5
    3. Addition and subtraction
    4. simple multiplication (Like 6 x 4, 2 x 3)
  3. English
    1. Write at least words from each alphabets
    2. Name of fruits, birds, animals and colors
    3. Dictation
    4. Recitation of any rhymes
Class II (Minimum Age 6 years)
  1. Hindi
    1. ब्यंजन वर्णो पर मात्रा लगाना
    2. संयुक्त वर्णो को अलग करना तथा वर्णो को जोड़ कर शब्द बनाना
    3. संज्ञा, सर्बानाम की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित बताना
    4. बरसात और दीपावली पर पांच पांच वाक्य लिखने का अभ्यास
  2. Mathematics
    1. Counting 1 to 100 (in words)
    2. Reverse counting from 100 to 1
    3. Write in words from 1 to 10
    4. Addition, subtraction & multiplication
    5. Ascending & Descending order 1 - 100
    6. Table from 5 to 10
  3. English
    1. Write the name of animals and birds
    2. Fill in the blanks with suitable letters for making words
    3. Word meaning about relationship
    4. Write about "The Cow" or "The Dog" in five sentences.
Class III (Minimum Age 7 years)
  1. Hindi
    1. वाक्य द्वारा लिंग निर्णय करना
    2. मुहावरे का अर्थ
    3. संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित
    4. बरसात और दीपावली पर निबंध लिखना
    5. अपने स्मरण से कोई कविता लिखना तथा पढ़ना
  2. Mathematics
    1. Table from 2 to 20
    2. Reverse counting from 200 to 1
    3. Number from 100 to 1000 (Write in figures and in words)
    4. After, before between, expanded form, place value
    5. Addition, subtraction (With borrowing and without borrowing)
    6. Multiplication without carrying division
    7. Use of sign greater than ( > ), less than ( < ), equal, ascending & descening order
  3. English
    1. Write a short paragraph of "The Dog", or your favorite pet (Any one)
    2. Definition of noun and pronoun with examples
    3. Number (Singular & plural)
    4. Gender
    5. Opposite words
    6. Self address like, name, mother's name, father's name, village, police station, district's name & state's name
    7. Translation with introductory This, That and It
    8. The name of birds, animals, days of weeks, months, colors
  4. Computer
    1. Identification of basic computer hardware
    2. Software (Paint)
    3. Basic Windows operations
Class IV (Minimum Age 8 years)
  1. Hindi
    1. अवकाश के लिए प्राधनरच्या के पास आवेदन पत्र
    2. सर्वनाम, विशेषण और क्रिया की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित
    3. निबंध - हमारा विद्यालय, स्वतंत्रता दिवस
    4. किसी कविता की आठ पंक्तिया लिखना
  2. English
    1. Define noun, pronoun
    2. Gender, person
    3. Paragraph : The horse, The dog
    4. Write any poem (Eight lines)
    5. Write an application to the principal for leave
  3. Mathematics
    1. Greatest and smallest number of four digits
    2. Lowest common multiple
    3. Number from 100 to 1000 in words
    4. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  4. Science
    1. Sense organs, our body parts
    2. Living and Non-living things
Class V (Minimum Age 9 years)
  1. Hindi
    1. वर्ण की परिभाषा लिखे
    2. संख्या, सर्वनाम, विशेषण की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित
    3. विपरीतार्थक शब्द
    4. पत्र एवं आवेदन पत्र लेखन
    5. निबंध - सरस्वती पूजा, होली, गणतंत्र दिवस
    6. कविता लेखन
  2. Mathematics
    1. Number upto ten lakh, write in words, write in figures
    2. Expanded form, short form, ascending order, descending order, roman numbers upto 50, place value
    3. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, word problems based on addition
  3. English
    1. Definition of noun, pronoun, adjective with examples
    2. Number, gender, opposite words, Translation
    3. Paragraph: our country, 15 August, The great man of India
  4. Science
    1. Living and Non-living things
    2. Our body's internal organ and their functions
    3. Sources of food-eatable parts of plants
Class VI
  1. Hindi
    1. अवकाश के लिए प्रधानाचार्य के पास आवेदन पत्र
    2. संख्या, सर्वनाम, विशेषण और क्रिया की परिभाषा उदाहरण सहित
    3. कविता शूद्र - शूद्र लिखने का अभ्यास
    4. निबंध - महापुरुष, स्वतंत्रता दिवस
  2. English
    1. Definition of noun, pronoun, adjective with examples
    2. Number, gender, persons, case
    3. Application to the principal for leave
    4. Paragraph: about animals & festivals
    5. Translation based on tense
  3. Mathematics
    1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, ascending & descending order
    2. L.C.M & H.C.F
  4. Science
    1. Living and Non-living things
    2. Parts of plants & their function
    3. Body parts , food, work, simple machine energy
Class VII
  1. Hindi
    1. अवकाश के लिए प्रधानाचार्य के पास आवेदन पत्र
    2. निबंध - महापुरुष, स्वतंत्रता दिवस
    3. संधि-विच्छेद, समास
    4. निबंध - ऋतू, त्यौहार, महापुरुषों के जीवन पर आधारित
  2. English
    1. Noun & its kinds
    2. Past tense, adjective, voice change, translation, preposition
    3. Singular-plural, opposite words
    4. Composition, paragraph
    5. Writing about your school, favorite, games, diwali, myself
    6. Application to the principal for sick leave, remission on fine
    7. To uncle thanking for birthday gift, to your father about your preparation for examination
  3. Chemistry
    1. Water, separation of substance
  4. Biology
    1. Component of food
    2. knowledge about plants, body movement
  5. Physics
    1. Rest, motion, types of motion
    2. Sources of light, shadow
    3. Mirror, current, magnet, properties of magnet
    4. Measurement system (SI Unit)
  6. Mathematics
    1. L.C.M & H.C.F
    2. Number system, operation algebra
    3. Prime factors, equation, ratio and proportion
    4. Triangle, type of triangle
    5. Perimeter of plane
Class VIII
  1. Hindi
    1. पत्र - विद्यालय व अभिभावक से सम्बंधित
    2. तत्सम, तात्भब, पर्यायवाची
    3. संधि-बिच्छेद, समास, मुहावरे, विलोम शब्द
    4. निबंध - ऋतू, त्यौहार, महापुरुषों के जीवन पर आधारित
  2. English
    1. Tense, adjective, preposition voice, narration (Direct / Indirect)
    2. Degree of comparison
    3. Conjunction
    4. Translation
    5. Gender change, opposite words
    6. Paragraph writing on your favorites festival, discipline, your best friend
  3. Mathematics
    1. Factors, linear equation of two variables
    2. Simplify, addition and subtraction based on algebra
    3. Different types of quadrilateral
  4. Chemistry
    1. Water, separation of substance
  5. Biology
    1. knowledge about cell, reproduction in plants, flowers & human beings
  6. Physics
    1. Rest, motion, types of motion
    2. Gravitation, Environment